Sunday, 3 October 2010


Recontextualised Ideas and Concepts In Contemporary Culture

Although these images are almost identical to each other they are still seen as original pieces of art.
The image below is clearly the same image as the original piece, however has a different meaning to it as its had weaponry edited into it. Although these examples of recontextualised ideas and concepts are almost exactly the same image, there are a lot of examples of art work that have been reproduced through inspiration from previous work, however the new piece has been changed a lot in order to make it 'their' original piece i suppose.

Notions of Originality

These images are clearly showing the same idea behind the piece of art,  'Originality' is known as something being created or invented as being new. I believe that every piece of art is new, but not necessarily original as a lot of art works are reproductions or clones of other artists work. I don't believe that because work has been reproduced in a similar meaning to another that it is no longer an original piece, but maybe a new design of the older piece to make it modern art? The piece below 'Melanie Manchot - The Fontainebleau Series' 2001 is a reproduction of a piece created in 1594, yet this has been recreated again in 1998 by Mario Sorrenti for a YSL ad Campaign. We can see an obvious resemblance between both these pieces of art, which are each portrayed in a different way and it is safe to say that Mario Sorrentis piece for his YSL ad campaign was inspired by Melanie Manchot's original version of this piece.

Here is another example of artists reproducing original pieces of work. Andy Early's reproduction of Edouard Manet's - Luncheon on the Grass produced in 1863, which he decided to rename his 'Bow Wow Wow' that he produced in 1982.

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